Acne affects many thousands of teenagers, starting when puberty is reached. Acne can be relatively mild, with occasional zits and blemishes, or it can be quite extreme, covering the entire face with eruptions.
Acne is not confined to just the face, but can appear on a teen’s back, chest and other areas. Aside from the actual physical scarring that acne can cause, it can also wreak havoc on a teen’s fragile emotions and impact their self esteem. Derogatory terms, like “pizza face”, can wound as deeply as a direct punch. The humiliation suffered by teens with problem acne can be as bad as the blemishes themselves.
For mild cases of acne, regular cleansing with antibacterial cleansers, using a balancing facial toner and oil-free moisturizers can help impede eruptions. There are hundreds of products available over the counter for treating mild acne issues. For the occasional outbreaks associated with mild acne, following daily skin care regimens can shorten the outbreak and help prevent future eruptions. Encourage your teenager to follow a healthy diet and a daily skin care routine that will become part of a healthy lifestyle as they move into adulthood.
For severe, persistent cases of acne, intervention is required. The facial dermis can be permanently scarred from the ever-present pustules, zits and blemishes that cover the face in extreme cases of acne. Parents of a teen with such severe acne should seek professional assistance from a dermatologist. These doctors specialize in problems with the dermis, with human skin. They have arsenals of prescription medications and cutting edge medical treatments that can reduce the number of eruptions and help prevent permanent scarring. Sometimes a dermatologist will be able to find other problems that are contributing to the acne eruptions, such as eczema. If over the counter preparations are not producing visible results, you should consider an appointment with a dermatologist.
Above all, parents should try to bolster their teen’s self esteem during their battle with acne. Whether your child has a mild case or is struggling with major eruptions and facial blemishes constantly, they need to be reminded that it doesn’t change their worth or value in your eyes. Support your child with help controlling their acne. Buy the products they need to establish a good skin care routine, prepare healthy meals and provide nutritious snacks. If all else fails, get in touch with a dermatologist.
As a parent, you play an important role in helping your child through the turbulent teenage years. Assisting them with their battle against facial acne will strengthen your bond.
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