The funny thing about old wives’ tales is that sometimes they end up being true. After all, it wasn’t so long ago, that we didn’t know how good things like blueberries and apple cider vinegar were for us. However, the converse is also true, and you’ll discover that there are a lot of old wives’ tales out there that get bantered around as fact, especially when we are talking about natural conditions like the tendency for bruising easily.
Bruises last different lengths of time for everyone, and it is very easy to believe that someone has a miracle cure for bruising, when in fact it might just be a great immune system. Take the time necessary to weed out any of these supposed treatments that might have been referred to you as the best bruise treatment ever. You may just find that there are no silver bullets.
Applying Massage to the Bruise: Even though massaging a bruise can help dissolve the blood clot, massaging the bruise is tricky in that you are only going to soothe the area if it is done lightly, or aggravation of the area will occur if done too roughly. While a properly done massage can be very gentle, you’ll determine that it increases the flow of blood into the area. Since you are dealing with seeping blood vessels, this is not a process that you wish to advance at this point. If you do decide to massage the area, do it oh, so gently, and understand that you may be going to make the bruise discoloration worse.
Black Pepper: Old wives’ tales tell us that pepper can actually make the blood leave the area of a bruise. Pepper may have substances in it that can diminish the pain a little bit, but the truth of the matter is that sprinkling pepper on your bruise is just going to make a mess. There are other remedies that do the same thing and do it much better, so leave the pepper in the spice cabinet.
Baking Soda: Now we’ve gotten to remedies that can be helpful some of the time, but generally not nearly as much as others profess. Baking soda is very beneficial when you’re desirous of calming down inflamed (as in burned) skin, and it might even soothe a portion of bruise discoloration, but in all actuality it is not going to affect a bruise that is very dark, and it will not cause the bruise to heal any quicker than it normally would.
Raw Meat: This is one a lot of us have seen and perhaps we have even experienced, but raw meat, no matter how good the cut, isn’t going to help you cure the bruise. I’ve heard plenty of debates over what kind of meat is best for the job, and the answer is that they are all about the same. The only benefit for putting raw meat against a bruise is that it presumably just came out of the fridge or freezer, and the cold can help reduce swelling. The meat belongs on your dinner plate, not on your bruise.
Take some time to sort out which, if any, of these old wives’ tales are going to do well by you, and which ones are just a lot of bunk. Find a remedy that really works, and leave these old, unproven remedies alone.
You have better choices rather than trying old wives’ tales for curing a bruise after it has already been sustained. The all natural Bruises Be Banned daily supplement program has been proved to be effective at reducing bruising easily by people from all over the world.
Jan Doan, the “Doctor of Bruiseology” is recognized as the one author to have authored an entire reference book on bruising, showing people why they bruise, and how they may avoid bruising. You can obtain for yourself Part I of the new Desktop Reference Book on bruising causes free and learn the best way to get beyond the nightmares of easy bruising and how to prevent bruising