Jan Doan

Is There A Link Between Bruising Easily And Hemophilia?

There could be any number of thoughts going through your mind if you suddenly realize that you have developed a tendency to bruise easily without any real reason. Bruising easily often occurs as a natural consequence of your getting older, but you should not dismiss out of hand the possibility that it could be a symptom of a more serious condition.

Is There a Relationship Between Scurvy and Easy Bruising?

Whenever you’ve heard the term scurvy, your first thought might have been about 18th century sailors on the tall ships that sailed the seven seas. More detailed reflection would show that scurvy is a condition that can be contracted by nearly anyone who isn’t paying close attention to their diet, and one way this disease can manifest itself is through bruises appearing unexpectedly on your body.

Is There A Connection Between Your Being Prone To Bruise Easily and Anemia?

When you find yourself in a situation where you are noticing new bruises practically every day, you will find that there are many medical explanations that might be offered for this occurrence. Anemia is definitely one of the answers that comes up, so you need to learn the relationship between anemia and the tendency for easy bruising? Does your bruising easily automatically mean that you need to start looking at anemia and what it might be doing to you? The truth of the matter is that this is a hard question to answer without having some important information in front of you.

Isn’t Being Prone To Easy Bruising An Indicator For Diabetes?

If you are someone who has problems with bruising easily, you will discover that it is very important to take some time to figure out what is going on with your body. Whether you have always had issues with easy bruising, or whether you are now dealing with this as a sudden and new development, you’ll discover that the more information that you have about the issue, then the better your chances are going to be when it comes to figuring out what to do about it. Diabetes is often cited as one condition that comes with the symptom of easy bruising, and bruising easily is one way that this condition might be detected.

Are There Any Links Between Your Tendency To Bruise Easily And Your Alcohol Consumption?

As someone who is troubled by the tendency for bruising easily, you’ll come to the conclusion that you need to understand those factors that could make the situation worse, and this is is the ideal time for alcohol intake to be brought into the conversation. Numerous people who know that they tend to bruise easily wind up believing that their alcohol intake might be a contributor, and they would discover that their beliefs were correct. When you are trying to analyze the causes behind bruises that can be gotten from merely grazing against a kitchen counter, or that you can get without the slightest memory of the cause at all, you will probably find that it is the proper time to examine your level of alcohol consumption.

Will Keeping a Daily Health Diary Help You Prevent Bruising Easily?

Do you get flustered when you happen to look down only to be greeted with one more, dark, blotchy bruise that you don’t remember where you got it? Whether you are sick of the skin sensitivity that these bruises can bring, or you are just tired of dealing with concerned questions from friends, you should really try to discover what you can do to prevent them.

Can Homeopathic Solutions Help Stop Bruising Easily?

If you happen to be someone who suffers from easy bruising, you will probably find that you have an interest in exploring the homeopathic route for a cure. Homeopathy is essentially a type of alternative medicine that seeks to treat and cure disorders through using much diluted preparations that often mimic the problems that are manifesting. When you are dealing with bruising easily, you’ll find that there are several different herbs that you can use to treat your bruising. These preparations can reduce the amount of time that your bruises linger, and they can even help prevent you from getting bruised in the first place.

Old Wives’ Tales About Bruise Remedies Debunked!

The funny thing about old wives’ tales is that sometimes they end up being true. After all, it wasn’t so long ago, that we didn’t know how good things like blueberries and apple cider vinegar were for us. However, the converse is also true, and you’ll discover that there are a lot of old wives’ tales out there that get bantered around as fact, especially when we are talking about natural conditions like the tendency for bruising easily.

Bruising Easily And Vegetarianism, Are They Linked In Any Way?

Whether you are already a vegetarian, or you are thinking about becoming one, you may be a little concerned about the effect that vegetarianism can have on your body, with some special attention your tendency for easy bruising. The truth of the matter is that while there is an urban legend that says that people who are vegetarians are prone to bruising easily, there is no reason that a little careful attention to your diet can eliminate it.

Will Eating Lots of Fruits and Vegetables Help Me Prevent Bruising?

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could reduce bruising easily and eat healthier at the same time? The real facts of the matter are that fruits and vegetables have lots to do with how well your body deals with bruising, and if you are someone who has the tendency to bruise easily, or if you know of someone who does, you may determine that it is time for us to visit the produce aisle. When you’ve made the decision to start putting more fruits and vegetables on your table, you’ll soon see that you can make a positive impact on your body’s ability to heal itself and improve the body’s ability to prevent bruises that you might otherwise be getting.