Prepping Up for a Vasectomy Reversal
Anyone who has been into one operation knows the feeling. Nervousness starts creeping into the system, questions keep on popping up and what-if statements often echo in the head. These are expected, and anyone waiting for a vasectomy reversal can surely experience this as well. But anyone wanting to have this procedure should not over-react and worry. The reversal process is a quick and an almost painless operation, and it’s over in no time. In fact, you will not even spend a single day in the hospital. You will be an out-patient who will be discharged minutes after the operation. If you are thinking for getting this procedure, here are some other things to consider leading to that big day.
* Keep in mind that the reversal procedure will have a high chance of success if the operation will be administered by someone with expertise in the field.
* The success rate of the reversal procedure increases as well if this is done through a surgical microscope.
* Also bear in mind that this can be an expensive process. For this reason, make sure that due research is made in order to check the costs and to plan ahead.
Once a doctor has been chosen, a consultation should be scheduled. The consultation should be the avenue to discuss the different procedures, the risks and the possible side effects and complications that may result from the procedure. It would be best if the wife is present on these consultation meetings. Questions should be asked at this stage. For example, asking about the kind of anesthesia to use in the procedure is a good move.
There are different procedures that will be performed prior to the actual procedure.
1. A few moments before the procedure, the attending physician will conduct a physical exam to determine the physical readiness of the patient. Here the doctor will ask a number of questions pertaining to the health of the person. The objective of the pre-check up is to make sure that there are no health concerns that may affect the results of the reversal procedure.
2. Another thing that is checked is the quality of the sperm produced. This is usually done through the testicular biopsy. Often this is the recommended test for someone who hasn’t sired a child yet. Under this biopsy test, the needle will be use to take out a fluid from the sperm.
3. If this has been successful, the next test should focus on the partner. She will be checked as well if she is capable of having a child. Any fertility issues will be checked and discussed on this phase. A gynecological examination will be done to test the reproductive health of the partner. The importance of the check is heightened if the partner is over 35 and has history of fertility issues.
The attending doctor will also have some precautions and advices for the patient wanting to undergo this procedure. Two weeks before undergoing the procedure, it is recommended that the patient should stop taking blood-thinning medications like pain relievers. This will only increase the risk of bleeding. Another recommendation coming from the doctor is to prepare with a clean jockstrap. This is used after surgery in order to support the reproductive organ. This helps support the scrotum, thus facilitating its speedy recovery.
Seomul Evans is a SEO Services consultant for Vasectomy Reversal