Seomul Evans

Post Vasectomy Reversal: Will I Still be a Man?

Vasectomy reversal is to undo sterility of men following a vasectomy. While it is generally possible to undo vasectomy, success rates vary from one candidate to another.
When Time is Right
As soon as you are decided to undergo vasectomy reversal, act at the soonest possible time. Reversing vasectomy must be done within three years after vasectomy for a higher success rate. Otherwise, chance of getting your sexual partner pregnant slims down.

Post-Vasectomy Reversal- Must Read Tips to Increase Fertility!

All potential vasectomy reversal patients must discern that reversing vasectomy will guarantee them of restoring fertility. There is no guarantee that their sperm will be perfectly viable after the surgery. Men who have had vasectomy may develop anti- sperm antibodies that make them improbable for fertility. When all is well after vasectomy reversal, the major concern is likely how to increase men’s fertility.

Reversing Vasectomy: Why It’s Done?

The decision to undergo a vasectomy reversal is as hard as deciding for vasectomy. Both are essentially critical turnarounds for parenthood. As claimed by men who underwent vasectomy reversal, the decision of reversing vasectomy is a lot harder than vasectomy itself.

Pain Associated to Vasectomy Reversal- How Really Painful Is It?

Pain is always expected every after surgery. This discomfort can be subjective or objective. Self-reported pain is considered to be the most accurate basis to assess pain level. Otherwise pain can be evaluated through observational or behavioral and physiologic data. Some post-vasectomy reversal patients usually do not verbalize pain, as it is innate for men to conceal emotions.
Pain After Vasectomy Reversal
Pain scale helps patients assess the intensity level of pain. Discomfort caused by a vasectomy reversal varies from one patient to another. Perhaps each of us has different level of pain sensitivity. Generally, pain can be similar to the original discomfort brought by vasectomy. However, there is also a possibility that pain after a vasectomy reversal can be slightly severe than the level of pain experienced after vasectomy.

Regain Fatherhood without Reversing Vasectomy!

Medical options to undo sterility vary from one potential vasectomy reversal patient to another. The advancement in medical science offer several options to couples to want to expand their families following vasectomy. Considered to be the simplest and easiest way to regain fatherhood is by reversing vasectomy. It is a surgical procedure that literally undoes vasectomy by reconnecting the passageway of sperm that was severed during vasectomy. However, there are drawbacks to this surgery.
The cost of vasectomy reversal is quite unfavorable to an average employee. It is likely that one has to shell out around $6000 to $15,000 to regain fertility. Aside from the cost, pregnancy rate can also be frustrating to the couple. Not all post-vasectomy reversal patients achieve pregnancy. In fact, reversing vasectomy does not fully guarantee a 100 percent success rate. According to statistics and studies, pregnancy rate of the “healthiest” candidate is roughly at 76 percent. There are various factors that affect the chance to achieve pregnancy after reversing vasectomy. As candidates predispose themselves to any of these, pregnancy rate slims down. Vasectomy reversal is also accompanied by risks and complications. In the most unfortunate chance, failure of procedure is bound to happen. This may further result to permanent sexual problem.

Prepping Up for a Vasectomy Reversal

Prepping Up for a Vasectomy Reversal
Anyone who has been into one operation knows the feeling. Nervousness starts creeping into the system, questions keep on popping up and what-if statements often echo in the head. These are expected, and anyone waiting for a vasectomy reversal can surely experience this as well. But anyone wanting to have this procedure should not over-react and worry. The reversal process is a quick and an almost painless operation, and it’s over in no time. In fact, you will not even spend a single day in the hospital. You will be an out-patient who will be discharged minutes after the operation. If you are thinking for getting this procedure, here are some other things to consider leading to that big day.
* Keep in mind that the reversal procedure will have a high chance of success if the operation will be administered by someone with expertise in the field.
* The success rate of the reversal procedure increases as well if this is done through a surgical microscope.
* Also bear in mind that this can be an expensive process. For this reason, make sure that due research is made in order to check the costs and to plan ahead.
Once a doctor has been chosen, a consultation should be scheduled. The consultation should be the avenue to discuss the different procedures, the risks and the possible side effects and complications that may result from the procedure. It would be best if the wife is present on these consultation meetings. Questions should be asked at this stage. For example, asking about the kind of anesthesia to use in the procedure is a good move.
There are different procedures that will be performed prior to the actual procedure.