Seomul Evans

Vasectomy Reversal And Expected Outcomes: What Comes After The Reversal?

The fertility procedures, vasectomy and reversal, are both micro surgical procedures that could be performed as an outpatient type of surgery. In the vasectomy procedure, the doctor cuts and clamps the ends of the vas deferens tubes to prevent the sperm from going out the body during ejaculation. The vas deferens tubes are the passageway of the semen to carry the sperm from the testicles to the male prostate glands. The sperm will then go out of the body during ejaculation from the prostate glands to enter the urogenital opening of the woman.

Revealed! The Connection Between Vasectomy Reversal And Anti Sperm Antibodies

A man can become infertile due to several reasons including some chronic ailments and the administration of certain drugs; however, one of the reasons for infertility in men is the production of anti sperm antibodies; this is an autoimmune condition much like an allergic reaction. In a man who suffers from this condition, the body gets sensitized to sperms and the immune system develops antibodies because it perceives the sperms to be a threat; these anti bodies are mobilized to destroy the sperms.

Revealed! The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Vasectomy Reversal

If you have had a vasectomy done in the past but would now like to have children; there is hope in the form of a reversal surgery. This is a very common situation and almost 5% of all men who choose vasectomy as a mean s of contraception change their mind and opt for the reversal procedure. That is an astounding 25,000 men who go for vasectomy reversal each year. There can be several reasons for this change of heart from an improvement in your financial well being to something life changing like a divorce and from something tragic like a child passing away in an accident or out of illness or something as simple as the desire to add to your brood. Ether way, vasectomy reversal can come to your rescue and help you to regain your fertility. The procedure is fairly simple; however, it is important to understand that it does not always end up in a pregnancy even though the success rate of the procedure is very high; there is always a possibility of some complications that may interfere with your chances of fathering a child naturally.

Do You Know How To Take Care Of Yourself After A Vasectomy Reversal?

A vasectomy surgery is usually completed in two to three hours; it is a fairly simple and straight forward procedure which is conducted under local anesthesia with one or no sutures. The procedure is absolutely painless but if you harbor a morbid fear of surgical procedures, you can always choose to go for general anesthesia. However, you will need to stay in the hospital while the effect of general anesthesia wears off.. You may feel a slight amount of discomfort and some pain once the sedation wears off; however, your surgeon will prescribe analgesics to take care of the pain. Your surgeon will also tell you to use ice packs on the scortum to control the inflammation and discomfort. Generally medication such a Mortrin, Tylenol or Advil is enough to minimize the pain.

How To Recover After Vasectomy Reversal?

Vasectomy reversal surgery takes two to three hours to be completed and generally it is a same day check in check out procedure conducted as an outpatient surgery. The microsurgical techniques used in the surgery help to ensure that the incision is small so that there is very little scope for infection and less pain and discomfort for the patient. Recovery after the surgery is usually quick because the wound is small and regular pain killers such as Tylenol or Advil are generally enough to take care of any discomfort that you may feel after the surgery. However, your surgeon will strictly advise you against picking up heavy objects r any other form of strenuous physical activity. You will also be told to avoid sex and ejaculation for at leas four weeks after the surgery.

What Happens After Vasectomy Reversal?

Most patients who choose to go in for a vasectomy reversal ate apprehensive about the procedure and success rate of the surgery. It is vital to understand that the success of the surgery will depend on a multitude of factors not the least of which is the expertise and the experience of the surgeon who performs the procedure. The technique used in the microsurgical reversal of a vasectomy is known as multi layer, 10-0 suturing. The vas deferens is a tube that helps to transport the sperms from the epididymis to the prostrate glands. This tube is severed and clamped in the original procedure while through the reversal surgery; the doctor tries to reconnect the ends of the vas deferens establishing unhindered sperm flow. However, the vas deferens is as thin as a spaghetti so you can imagine how skilled your surgeon has to be to reconnect its ends ensuring that there is no possibility of leakage.

Is Vasectomy Reversal A Good Way To Regain Fertility

There are several reasons why a person would consider a vasectomy reversal such as the untimely death of a child, divorce, change in partners, better financial condition or simply the desire to have more children. Fortunately, the advancements in medical science have given us the opportunity to have more children even after a vasectomy; something that was quite impossible until a few years ago. A lot of men worry about the cost of the procedure, the success rate and the possible risks involved in it. So here is an honest look at what vasectomy reversal entails including how much you will have to pay for the surgery: