There are several reasons why a person would consider a vasectomy reversal such as the untimely death of a child, divorce, change in partners, better financial condition or simply the desire to have more children. Fortunately, the advancements in medical science have given us the opportunity to have more children even after a vasectomy; something that was quite impossible until a few years ago. A lot of men worry about the cost of the procedure, the success rate and the possible risks involved in it. So here is an honest look at what vasectomy reversal entails including how much you will have to pay for the surgery:
How is a vasectomy reversal procedure conducted? To put it simply, through a vasectomy reversal, you are trying to undo what was done in the vasectomy. In other words, in the original procedure, the vas deferens tube was severed to stop the flow of sperms but in the reversal procedure the tube is joined so that the sperms can flow back into the prostrate glands. However, the surgery is not as simply as the explanation. There are several factors that have to be considered, for instance, if you change your mind a couple of years after the surgery, even though sperms may still be produced in your body; they may not be healthy enough to cause pregnancy. So the procedure is essentially conducted in three steps:
The Examination: Here the doctor will not only give your physical examination but also if it has been ten or more years since the original procedure, a drop of fluid from the scortum will be collected to ensure the presence, volume and quality of sperms. Once the doctor determines that the sperms are viable, you can go ahead with the surgery; however, if there are no or unhealthy sperms found in the fluid, the doctor will tell you to consider alternate options of fertility.
The Surgery: The procedure does not take more than three hours to be completed; it is performed under the influence of general or local anesthesia and you will be allowed to go home the same day. There are two types of procedures that can be conducted and the surgeon can take a call only after the scortum has been opened. The first procedure is the vasovasostomy in which the two ends of the vas deferens are reconnected with the help of tiny sutures. The second procedure is called vasoepididymostomy; this is conducted when there is a blockage in one end of the vas deferens that will impede the flow of sperms to the prostrate glands even after the tubes are connected. So to bypass the blockage, the surgeon will connect one end of the vas deferens to the epididymis; since the procedure is more complicated hence the chances of success are also lower.
After Surgery: After the surgery, you should be able to go back to your normal routine within a month. However, for the first month after the surgery, you will not be able to indulge in sexual activities or undertake rigorous physical activities of any kind; this includes exercise regimens, swimming etc. Even though you can take a shower 2 days after the surgery, you will not be able to use the bathtub for a month. There will be some amount of pain and discomfort for the first two or three days, so the doctor will ask you to take bed rest or lime down as far as possible but painkillers like Advil or Tylenol will help to alleviate the pain. After a month the first semen analysis will be conducted to see if sperms can be found in the seminal fluid. This routine will continue every few weeks till sperms are observed in the semen. The doctor will try to ascertain the quality and the volume of sperms. While in some cases people have achieved conception within a month of the surgery; it would be unrealistic to harbor such hopes because it generally takes eight to twelve months for sperms to be observed i the semen, depending on the type of reversal procedure performed.
Seomul Evans is a Search Engine Optimization Services consultant for a leading Vasectomy Reversal doctor.